Per l’Accademia Statale dell’Istruzione di Mosca, Artinsieme è il futuro dell’istruzione…

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Sito della rivista scientifica dell’Accademia dell’Istruzione di Mosca.

Da tale pagina, sotto il nome Selivanov Nikolay Lvovich, trovate il link alla pubblicazione:

Nella pagina principale:

About “artes liberales” and the school in a dead-lock. The archeology of concepts, the manifesto and the Italian experience.


The author of this article takes a critical stance with respect to the contemporary school intellectual state.The conceptual aspects of the artistic work base concepts as «techne», «ars», “fine arts”, «visual arts» are interpretated from the new position..

Basing on the ideal experience of the antique theory of the independent free-thinking person development, the author proposes to change radically the stance and goals of the contemporary education by changing its ideology from industrial and oriented towards politechnical subjects to the creative ideology associated more with the humantites The author publishes the own translation of the the modern Italian teacher and artist Fabrizio Fordiponti manifesto “Artinsieme” – «All arts together». This text includes the ideas which are closed to the author’s views.

The author addresses to the educational reform in Italy and to the new economic ideas defined as «creative economy» as an argument of the given theory.

FIGURINA. Festival of contemporary art education
May 15 – 23, 2015
ZIL cultural center

Pag. 67